Gabriel Pizza de Gatineau

CanadaGabriel Pizza



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178, Boulevard Gréber, J8T 3R1, Gatineau, Communauté-Urbaine-de-l'Outaouais, CA Canadá
contact téléphone: +1 819-881-5555
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 45.471736, Longitude: -75.701455

commentaires 5

  • Philippe Arvisais

    Philippe Arvisais


    Best pizza I've ever had, period.

  • fr

    Roland Leblond


    Bonne pizza quoi que un peut cher et quoi dire du service de livraison le service d'appel c carrément pourrit

  • en

    Slavica Lukic


    I had a simple order that menage to take two and a half guy called 3 times because he couldn't find the address, and the call was going from Gatineau to Aylmer, back and forth...finally when we got the pizza it did not come with garlic sauce. When I called they transferred me more than 4 times and in the end argued with me over 50 cent sauce...on top of that the supervisor was not professional at all...instead of having good customer service she argued with me. And that is the last order from Gabriellllllllllll pizzzzaaaa

  • fr

    Joly Lucien


    Tres bonne bouff

  • en

    Jason Jones


    Wanted the 2 lasagna special but they couldn't only make half the 12 inch bun garlic and the other half not.. Didn't think cutting bread in half and only toasting half with garlic butter was rocket science.

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