G & D Supermarket de Montréal

CanadaG & D Supermarket



🕗 horaire

1006, Boulevard Saint-Laurent, H2Z 1J3, Montréal, Communauté-Urbaine-de-Montréal, CA Kanada
contact téléphone: +1 514-397-8828
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 45.5076913, Longitude: -73.559659

commentaires 5

  • Moco H

    Moco H


    アジア食材を買うことのできる貴重な場所。ただ、日本食材の品揃えはもう少し。日本の調味料類はほぼ一角しかありません。 あと、お肉を売っている方はたまに中国語しか話せないので、欲しいものを購入するのが難しい時も多々あります。ただ難しいですが、店員さんはいい人達です。 後は必ず賞味期限、消費期限を確認してください。中国の瓶詰めは高確率で期限が切れています。 中国系の物はかなり揃っていますし、コストパフォーマンスはなかなかよし! 中国系のスーパーの中では清潔だと思いますし、一番お気に入りで頻繁に足を運んでいます。

  • en

    David Mang


    Don't let the entrance fool you. This place is a gold mine for people looking for Asian foods. Plenty of imported authentic dried, fresh, packaged products, and meat, vegetables, and condiments. The selection is not only limited to Chinese foods, but other Asian foods as well. Very reasonably priced, and smells cleaner than most Asian supermarkets.

  • zh




  • Nathan Whalen

    Nathan Whalen


    Great low priced grocery store with a selection of fruits and vegetables, dry goods, frozen meats, and a live butcher to cut fresh meat to your liking. While you won’t have a huge variety of food here, you’ll find the staples. Accepts cash and Interac. Would definitely go again.

  • Alexander Nachaj

    Alexander Nachaj


    One of the larger grocery stores in the area, with a good variety of vegetables, sauces and (especially) ramen and noodles. Prices are good (they aren't the lowest, but they still beat most brand-name grocery stores by a healthy margin). Hard to find if you don't know where it is (take the escalator downstairs).

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