From Anik Bowling Hall i Gatineau

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CanadaFrom Anik Bowling Hall



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975, Boulevard Saint-Joseph, J8Z 1W8, Gatineau, Communauté-Urbaine-de-l'Outaouais, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 819-776-3535
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 45.469424, Longitude: -75.738711

kommentar 5

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    Katrine Deburggraeve


    Older bowling alley. Has multiple pool tables and 2 sides for bowling. Lanes for Small balls and Big balls. Small canteen and bar. I gave 4 stars because the hot dogs are heated by microwave and way under staffed for a weekend. Had to wait in line for 30min!

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    Mélanie Bougie


    This place has been around for a long time it's unfortunate that the experience is just so so because it's affordable and fun for families but the place really needs TLC and a bit more friendly staff - they make people wait too long and almost seemed annoyed that we wanted to give our money....

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    Richard Karl


    Very good fun. Love the fact that you can play three different games of bowling in one place. I highly recommend😀😀😀😀

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    Lotfi Zebdji


    The shoes where filthy they need to make it classier i wasnt realy impressed with the layout and the bowls also it smells nasty

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    Stephane Plante


    Great place to play bowling got 10 pins big and small balls and also 5 pins for a total of 48 lanes staff was helpfull and lanes worked pretty good a big recomend to have fun with friends

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