Friday Knights Flagship Store de Winnipeg

CanadaFriday Knights Flagship Store



🕗 horaire

223, McDermot Avenue, R3B 0S2, Winnipeg, Division No. 11, CA CanadĂĄ
contact téléphone: +1 204-952-7672
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 49.8971854, Longitude: -97.1400778

commentaires 4

  • Kevin Harder

    Kevin Harder





    Good quality goods for reasonable prices

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    T. Reid


    I've never felt more unwelcome in a store in my life! His Mother was wonderful and welcoming whereas the son was the complete opposite. I went in specifically for Supreme products which they had. When I had one in hand, I was told harshly, "Don't go behind the counter.". Well, it's a small desk so there was no such thing as 'behind' and there was no signage for the pricing of the touque I was lookling at. He basically ran over (I wasn't greeted upon entering) grabbed the touque out of my hand and put it back. He didn't offer any information on these items. I paused to allow him time to offer help but instead I got a mumbled answer when I asked how much the touques and caps were. I am all for supporting local but definitely not if the business behaves like this. For sure a thumbs down. :( I forgot to add that I visted LiveStock on Graham Ave. and my expericene there was 5 stars. Incredible staff, great products and incredible atmosphere!

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    Angel Luis Alamo


    Awesome place. People are very nice👍👍👍👍

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