Freshii de Toronto




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1055, Yonge Street, M4W 2L2, Toronto, Toronto Division, CA Kanada
contact téléphone: +1 647-350-2001
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 43.6784099, Longitude: -79.3897859

commentaires 5

  • Busta Willis

    Busta Willis


    Very friendly n clean

  • en

    R Joseph


    Ordered through UberEats. Order was not delivered and yet no refund.

  • Anita Windisman

    Anita Windisman


    I was here for breakfast and had the smoothie bowl. Really enjoyed this healthy option which was made to order. At 9 am, the restaurant was not too crowded at all, so service was swift. Only awarded 4 stars because the music was too loud in the morning. Seems to be a hang out for those doing work, as there was a loud meeting going on in one of the booths and two other people were talking loudly on their mobile phones. Note that the coffee place Strange Love is also in the same location.

  • F K

    F K


    Spacious and clean location, serves delicious and freshly made “real food”. Service can be slow as most dishes are custom.

  • Edward Copping

    Edward Copping


    Fast service, large portions and a great seating area usually make up for the high prices and occasionally terse staff.

Restaurant la plus proche

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