Fort Garry Florist de Winnipeg

CanadaFort Garry Florist



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565, Osborne Street, R3L 2B3, Winnipeg, Division No. 11, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 204-269-7272
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 49.864881, Longitude: -97.134556

commentaires 5

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    Ralph Hechter


    Very impressed with the arrangement, service and timely delivery completed by Fort Garry Florist. Flowers were lovely. Recommend highly and will definitely be a return customer. Thank you.

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    Velma Eliasson


    Online order from Kelowna to Fort Garry Florist delivered promptly and as requested. I would use this florist again.

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    Pat Hicks


    Used Fort Garry Florists to send some flowers to my sister in Wpg. Their website was simple and straight forward to use, but the best is my sister got her flowers today and says they are just beautiful! Thank you!

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    France Morin


    Thank you so much, the bouquet was delivered on time for Mother's Day! I'm presently in Hong Kong, so being able to organize this surprise for my mother in law, 91 years old, by internet made my life easier and someone very happy! France

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    Rosalind Bradford


    Excellent service, including the congenial and helpful response to my telephone enquiry. The flowers arrived on time, and were beautiful. I will definitely use Fort Gary Florist for future orders.

Fleuriste la plus proche

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