Foot Locker de Abbotsford

CanadaFoot Locker



🕗 horaire

32900, South Fraser Way, V2S 5A1, Abbotsford, Fraser Valley, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 604-850-0156
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 49.049673, Longitude: -122.3127539

commentaires 5

  • Catherine Ross

    Catherine Ross


  • Lanaya Davis

    Lanaya Davis


  • heather ducharme

    heather ducharme


    One star only cause they carry the shoes my son wanted and to write this review ! but other than that this store HAS THE WORST SERVICE EVER !!! I could have gotten his shoes from the back and paid for them before anyone would have noticed me !

  • 4theboys _

    4theboys _


    It’s Ligit service is good they got the kicks just if wan shoes go there

  • Liam martens

    Liam martens



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