Food Basics i Ajax

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CanadaFood Basics



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280, Harwood Avenue South, L1S 2J1, Ajax, Durham Regional Municipality, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 905-683-6951
internet side:
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Latitude: 43.8459606, Longitude: -79.0208469

kommentar 5

  • Kat Outre

    Kat Outre


    This location always seems somewhat unclean and poorly organized. Prices aren't that great for a discount grocery market.

  • en

    Sara Lafontaine


    On Monday, March 19, 2017 at 10:10am I went to food basics and wanted to buy some paper towel. I went to the cash and was about to pay. It scanned at another price. I said oh I saw something else. Carol, the cashier said, “I can’t give it to you for 3.99$.” I said That’s fine. Her response, “what do you want me to do?.” “Eughhh a price check,” I replied. Excuse me? What do you want me to do? Oh geez I don’t know.. you are a cashier what are you supposed to do stupid?? Get another job lady! Extremely rude.

  • David Onichuk

    David Onichuk


    Nice staff, reasonably clean and decent prices.

  • en

    Kevin K


    Very friendly staff and decent prices.

  • en

    judith duncan


    I went to Food Basic this morning and was unable to find a product so I asked Carol, the cashier. She was extremely pleasant, helped me to find the product and even helped me to bring the product to the counter. Carol thank you kindly my dear! With an attitude like yours you are on your way to management. You are an asset to your company. God bless!

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