Flipped.ca de Ottawa




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250, Besserer Street, K1N 6B3, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 855-935-4773
site web: www.flipped.ca
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 45.428054, Longitude: -75.685039

commentaires 5

  • en

    Jay Dagh


    Just sold my vehicle and the whole process was seamless. It didn't take long at all and was very professional. Would recommend to anyone looking to sell their car.

  • Simrin Nagpal

    Simrin Nagpal


    Happy with the outcome of selling my car on flipped. Jason at flipped helped ease stress when I had to sell a vehicle quickly before a big move. I feel that I got a fair price and felt more comfortable selling to a dealer rather than a private buyer whose funds I may not trust.

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    sean cromie


    Jason and his team were awesome, easy to talk to, informative and had my 2012 Tacoma sold within 3 hours for only $400 less then I would have taken privately.. awesome business and super easy to use for selling your car quick!!

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    Jesse Collins


    Although I was at first skeptical, I am now convinced! The fastest, easiest way to sell your car, plus you can use the money as a trade-in and save the taxes. Flipped worked tirelessly to get me the best deal, and to help me find my next vehicle. Excellent, friendly service! Recommended to EVERYONE!

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    Dan B


    We needed to sell our 2006 Subaru Legacy by a certain date and I tried using the obvious online sites. Despite its excellent condition and low mileage we had no luck. A quick tour of the dealership and a couple of car lots got us offers but these were far below the value of the vehicle. That's when I decided to give Flipped a try. After speaking with them I filled in the forms and posted the vehicle. A couple of days later I got an offer that was $2500 higher than the dealership was offering and above my reserve price. I then met the buyer, he looked over the car and since it was as we had described in our report, there were no issues and the sale was made. I have absolutely no regrets about using Flipped. They were professional, honest and fast, and highly recommend giving them a try.

Concessionnaire la plus proche

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