Five Guys de Vancouver

CanadaFive Guys



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635, Robson Street, V6B 5J3, Vancouver, Greater Vancouver, CA Kanada
contact téléphone: +1 604-685-1585
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 49.2810874, Longitude: -123.1190325

commentaires 5

  • Cindy Sinx

    Cindy Sinx


    This is the best burger in Vancouver nothing else is even close the burner is hand-formed cooked on the grill lots of cheese to patties cooked onions the bacon was crispy I had a hot dog it was an all beef hot dog it was excellent and so are the fries. The meat taste like real meat it's not Gristle. These guys make an excellent Burger. I highly recommend Five Guys and now I know why everybody says they're the best.

  • en

    Glen Bastin


    This was my first visit to 5 guys after hearing the rave reviews. I must say the reviews did not disappoint... The burgers and fries were sensational. However I felt very sorry for the staff as there was about 6 working when they needed 12 on shift. The place was so busy and it was only 4pm so not the lunch or dinner rush. There was a huge queue four service and for receiving the food. However despite this they still served up an amazing meal.

  • Consti K

    Consti K


    Super Burger, es ging schnell, allucaneat Erdnüsse und Drinks gibt es auch mit Free Refill. Einen Stern Abzug allerdings, da überall Erdnüsse lagen und es sehr, sehr (sehr, sehr, sehr) unaufgeräumt war alles. Meine Eltern wollten sogar erst garnicht dort Essen deshalb, aber ich habe dann so Gesagt "Lass doch" und dann haben wir dort Gegesse. Hat sich aber gelohnt, auch wenn der Dreck dort (eben auch durch die ganzen gratis Erdnüsse bedingt) schon sehr hoch ist. Aber dennoch 4 Sterne, da es super Food gibt!

  • de

    Andreas Fink


    bester Fast Food Burger der Welt

  • Matthias Weyer

    Matthias Weyer


    Toller Laden. Hatte vorher noch nie einen Five guys buger gegessen. Wer die Chance hat - zuschlagen!!! Unfassbar gute burger!! Und man bekommt Erdnüsse soviel man will.

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