Fit Factory Fitness de Toronto

CanadaFit Factory Fitness



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373 King St. West, Toronto, ON M5V 1K1, Canada
contact téléphone: +1 416-900-0362
site web:
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Latitude: 43.64587, Longitude: -79.392968

commentaires 5

  • Corey Elmore

    Corey Elmore


    I love Fit Factory! Not only is it an amazing gym that will help you get the results you're looking for but it is a community! Instructors are very knowledgeable and so creative. Never have I experienced the same workout twice! I love all of the new things I learn each time I come. I also noticed that on my second visit, the trainer I had on my very first day remembered my name even though it's such a busy place with countless members. Trainers and staff care about members' progress, results and overall well-being, especially safety! I highly recommend giving the 30 day intro special a try! It includes unlimited access to amazing classes and 3 body composition tests. You won't be disappointed! A quality gym with quality instruction and amazing results guaranteed (= hard work!)

  • David J

    David J


    Amazing, went from 23% body fat to 11% in 60 days which they measure and benchmark/set goals. Incredible staff, they work you but nothing to the degree of the rumors of them yelling at you. Excellent programs ranging from bootcamp to strength class. I'm now 4.8% body fat after 12 months. It's simple, just go, the results will come.

  • Ali T

    Ali T


    This place lives up to its promise of delivering high-quality training. However, it is located in a densely populated area of Toronto (downtown) and they appear to have only one location. When it comes to businesses like fitness clubs and gyms, it is always a balancing act between quantity and quality. Unfortunately, like many other businesses, fitness clubs tilt the balance towards quantity once they make a name for themselves and Fit Factory Fitness is no exception. A lot of times people are sardined into limited spaces and there is always a danger of being kicked or elbowed by someone next to or behind you. There are many people who don't mind cramped spaces, but I personally think it decreases the quality of the workout experience. Unfortunately, the greed for maximizing revenues drives businesses to increase quantity at the sacrifice of quality. I guess they figure they can have a maximum number of customers and whoever doesn't like the crowdedness, will just go somewhere else. It's sad but it's true, especially in the areas that are excessively populated. Toronto, in general, has a bit of a problem with the sufficient availability of nice and uncrowded fitness centers.

  • Michael Do

    Michael Do


    Came here a few times over the past month and I have to say it is a breath of fresh air to see many hard-working individuals come together to work toward a common goal; get fit. The demographics of Fit Factory are young professionals with a very high ratio of women to men. This studio has many diverse classes which include boxing, boot camp, and strength & conditioning. The workouts are non stop and they have rules in place that everyone must do everything together. The team environment is a welcome change, the workouts are very intense, and you'll definitely burn off a lot of calories and sweat off during the hour you are there. I would highly recommend Kurt or Geoff's classes since I have the first-hand experience of how their class atmosphere is like. Some reviews on the FF's yelp page insinuate that the instructors have a power trip or they feel singled out when the instructors yell at them. Before taking the classes at FF you must read the rules of their establishment they have sent. They have specific etiquette and guidelines that you must follow while in their studio. The instructors here at FF are motivational and push you to your limit and I can't vouch for this fitness studio enough.

  • Pamela F

    Pamela F


    Probably one of the toughest boot camps I’ve been too. It’s not a walk in the park for sure. The workouts are not for the weak. Would recommend some level of fitness before you jump in but definitely worth a try! The team environment is what really gets you through as well as the instructor. I had Geoff and he’s awesome. Highly recommend for those with New Years fitness goals.

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