First Choice Haircutters de Sudbury

CanadaFirst Choice Haircutters



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1486, Lasalle Boulevard, P3A 1Z7, Sudbury, Greater Sudbury Division, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 705-566-2401
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 46.5225504, Longitude: -80.9425979

commentaires 5

  • en

    Dana Nykilchyk


    Absolutely impressed! Angel did and amazing color correction! Highly HIGHLY recommend! Will be going back to see her EVERY time! LOVE!

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    Joanna Chadwick


    Gotta go see Angel at the New Sudbury Location! She knows what shes doing, seriously amazing at colour! Thank you again lady â€đŸ‘Œ

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    Jeff Kadechuk


    Just got the best haircut from Tamara. She takes her time and cuts it exactly as asked. I have had others at the same location push me through as fast as they can so they can get to the next their next client. Tamara takes her time and does not rush. Tamara I will be booking you in the future. Thanks again!!

  • en

    walter harris


    I had the most amazing hair cut today from Angel Savoie, she truly made my day with her great humors conversation, warm smile and amazing talent... I will definitely be going back for all my cuts as long as she is their.... and I will be recommending her to my friends... she deserves the 5 star rating PLUS...

  • Artisan Field Support 01

    Artisan Field Support 01


    My first visit to first choice hair cutters today was an excellent experience. Angel is an amazing stylist with exceptional customer service I was there for hair trim and mostly beard trim, had an idea of what I wanted and after discussing it with her and followed her recommendations. I am truly happy I did the results were more than perfect Thank you Very much Angel for your quick master barbering skills will always be back for your expertise and recommending to everyone

Salon de beauté la plus proche

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