Finest Cleaners de Toronto

CanadaFinest Cleaners



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595, Bay Street, M5G 2C2, Toronto, Toronto Division, CA Kanada
contact téléphone: +1 416-593-7307
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 43.6564764, Longitude: -79.3830079

commentaires 5

  • en

    Nava Elmi


    Simply destroyed my clothes. No customer service skills whatsoever.

  • Joel Borges

    Joel Borges


    They have always helped me with a few sowing on some favorite items of mine. Typically they are very convenient and timely, filling my requests for next day pick up.

  • Minsoo Lee

    Minsoo Lee


    Never go to this place. I asked them to do press only so that I can pick my suit up next day and it wasn't even touched when I got there. Then they told me to wait 15 minutes and my dress shirt doesn't even look like I did a dry cleaning and had some blue garment that was probably from another clothing stuck on bunch of places. Does a very poor job as a "Professional" Dry Cleaners. Not even worth a single dollar.

  • Vector Shan

    Vector Shan


    Please never ! never ! never ! use this dry cleaner !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please !!!!!!!! They ruined my Canada Goose jacket !!!! After cleaning, my jacket lost a small button and got large area of NEW urine-stain-like stains on three places, which can not be removed by several times of recleaning. I'm pretty sure I didn't have those stain before I clean it. They refuse any compensation, refuse to refund, refuse to apologize, and accuse me of lying. Their attitude was so rude and started swearing me when I asked for refund.... Unbelievable experience !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • en

    Użytkownik Google


    This dry cleaner completely ruined a pair of my pants. When I picked them up, they were covered with horrible stains that were undoubtedly not there before. He refused to take responsibility for this. He accused me of lying about it. He accused me of creating the stains myself. He did not apologize and he refused to explain how customers are compensated when their clothing is damaged. He also refused to provide any compensation whatsoever. The sales person was extremely rude and uncooperative. I strongly recommend against ever using this drycleaner.

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