Fairmont Pacific Rim de Vancouver

CanadaFairmont Pacific Rim


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1038, Canada Place, V6C 0B9, Vancouver, Greater Vancouver, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 604-695-5300
site web: www.fairmont.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 49.288199, Longitude: -123.116679

commentaires 5

  • en

    Jay C


    Stopped by for a small bite in their restaurant. Ambience and decor are beautiful with a live pianist, sushi bar, and nonstop James Bond movies on the big screen. Is it expensive? Yes. Is it nice? Yes. Would I go again? No. Despite my 4 stars it really isn't something I would need to visit again unless for a social event. There are equally chic scenic places in town (albeit not by Waterfront) but the view really isn't anything spectacular. If you want to possibly catch a glimpse of a visiting professional athlete or actor, or BE seen then by all means hang out in the bar. Otherwise you won't be missing much.

  • Ceaux Chitty

    Ceaux Chitty


    this is a beautiful and elegant modern hotel. It has restaurants and cafes on sight. the staff are very helpful and friendly. I love the live music in the lounge area. great location, close to tourist attractions, the cruise ship tar.j am and city transit!

  • Wilson Lin

    Wilson Lin


    This is THE hotel to stay at in Vancouver. My wife and I have shared many memories coming to stay downtown as a little staycation. We've never been disappointed. From the valet to the concierge, to housekeeping to the restaurants here, I've never felt more welcome! We love it here and when our house was being painted for a week we stayed here and it was like our home away from home!

  • E_____ C_____

    E_____ C_____


    Nice hotel for a drink and a meal. The lobby lounge is a nice modern space to relax in for a drink after going for a walk on the seawall. In the evenings there is entertainment. Giovane is a nice place for lunch and a tea break in the afternoon. Hotel is a good place to use the toilet if you are in the area which are always kept clean. It is good idea to buy a drink if using the facilities.

  • Ryan Baggott

    Ryan Baggott


    Was at the Fairmont for a Christmas party. It was fantastic!! The buffet was outstanding and the staff was so courteous, professional and fun. The ballroom was gorgeous and the lounge downstairs is quite classy. The place was immaculate and the restrooms were so well kept. We had so much fun and the location right at Coal Harbour, such a great area to go for a walk. Seawall, Jack Pool park and Canada Place all glorious places to visit and sight see. This beautiful city of Vancouver

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