Fairmont Hotel Macdonald de Edmonton

CanadaFairmont Hotel Macdonald


pas d'information

🕗 horaire

10065, 100 St NW, T5J 0N6, Edmonton, Division No. 11, CA Kanada
contact téléphone: +1 780-424-5181
site web: www.fairmont.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 53.5402977, Longitude: -113.4893962

commentaires 5

  • Keyfer Mathewson

    Keyfer Mathewson


    Went there for a family event. The food was delicious, but was served pretty sporadically and late for some guests. The bartender was pretty good at making sure people's wines were full but on a few occasions we had to find someone as no one was at the bar or in the room.

  • Beth Storheim

    Beth Storheim


    We were actually at the Harvest Room restaurant inside the hotel (our third time there). The hotel is gorgeous, and so is that restaurant (it's also cozy, but you don't feel too closed in to other people. Nice relaxing ambience and quiet background music too). They always have excellent seasonal food, and top-notch service to boot. (It's not a cheap place to go, but having a Groupon sure helps). ;)

  • Katy Emanuel

    Katy Emanuel


    Great location and staff were very friendly and helpful staff. We appreciated that our young children were acknowledged and engaged in conversation by staff as much as ourselves. The room we had was nice and big with great views. The reason that I on my gave 4 stars is some rooms don't have such great soundproofing as unfortunately one side of us decided to start partying in their room at 9pm and we could hear it all going on until past 2 am. We did all the front desk who did speak to them however it did not make a difference.

  • Lauren Barr

    Lauren Barr


    I love the Fairmont collection of hotels, as do my family and friends! We have had fantastic service over the years and I only suggest staying at the Hotel Mac while in Edmonton. The hotel is well run. It is very well appointed and clean. The staff are extremely professional and friendly. Specifically Keenan comes to mind. He made my experience memorable. It is difficult to work in customer service and engage people all day but Keenan does so with a smile and a genuine warmth about him. He is engaging while keeping professional composure and its a huge asset to your team. Thank you for the great service and memories!

  • Ronnsen



    Super Hotel, super Zimmer, super essen.

Lodging la plus proche

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