Esplanade Food Market de Toronto

CanadaEsplanade Food Market



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25 The Esplanade, M5E 1W5, Toronto, Toronto Division, CA Canadá
contact téléphone: +1 416-306-9885
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 43.6463013, Longitude: -79.3750919

commentaires 5

  • ko



    중국인 아주머니와 아저씨가 운영하는 가게로 보통의 구멍가게이다.또한 간단한 샌드위치류의 음식을 2에서 3불 사이의 가격에 판매하고있다. 물가를 고려하면 전혀 비싼 가격은 아니나 양이 그리 많은게 아니므로 간식이 아닌 식사로 먹고자 한다면 차라리 신라면 사발면을 사서 먹는것이 낫다.

  • en

    Jordan Ringuette


    Amazing service! I really wish they didn't charge the 50 cents to pay with debit but this is a family run store and they always remember you. And if you're a really loyal customer they will even help you out when you need it! Great people. Also, you gotta get a BLT on a bagel from them, wouldn't think it but they make them Really amazing

  • Bryan Tam

    Bryan Tam


    This place is totally ripoff. They charge you a 0.50 for any interac / banking tranaction. Wether you're buying a Coke or a lot of items. A lot of small business charges the transaction fee if it's a small amount. This guy charges no matter what - ridiculous! Rumor has it, it's illegal to charge such rate.

  • en

    Un usuario de Google


    Very friendly and helpful staff. Great selection of cheese and deli meats. Cleanest convenience store I`ve ever been in.

  • en

    Un usuario de Google


    Stale dusty products and ridiculous prices, even for a convenience store. Doesn't help that the cashiers are always wearing more designer stuff than the patrons.

Magasin de commodité la plus proche

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