Enviro Trends de Sudbury

CanadaEnviro Trends



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1349, Lasalle Boulevard, P3A 1Z2, Sudbury, Greater Sudbury Division, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 705-524-6513
site web: envirotrends.ca
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 46.5193142, Longitude: -80.9454832

commentaires 5

  • en

    Alysha Casola


    The stylist left to get food while bleaching my hair. Left the bleach without checking it for over 45 minutes. Fried my hair. Left blonde with white streaks when I went in for red highlights. "Looking good salon" salvaged what horrible hair remained and completely turned my hair around from blonde damaged, dry, broken hair and turned it into beautiful silky healthy hair... they managed to give me Exatilly what i wanted in the first place on top of fixing enviro trends disaster.

  • Julia Williams

    Julia Williams


    Went in for a trim and asked her just to cut off the split ends. After paying $60, I still walked out full of split ends and ended up having to go to another hair salon the following week for an actual trim. Would not recommend.

  • en

    paul dionne


    Will never go again.... your first experience either makes it or breaks it.

  • Sean O'Hare

    Sean O'Hare


    I have been going here for several years and always to the same stylist. She is awesome and does a great job. I only have good things to say about this place and will keep going as long as Tracy is there to cut my hair.

  • Mariana Winzer Vazquez

    Mariana Winzer Vazquez


    I would NEVER recommend this hair salon to anyone! I went in for a hair colour change. Over the phone they told me it would be max 3 hours. It was actually 5+ hours in the salon! Way too long for a hair colour!! I told them I wanted the colour to appear dark, since bright coloured hair is not my style. The lady ended up bleaching my hair so much it appeared white! She told me since the dye was dark it would appear dark on my already white hair. It didn't! Not only did my hair turn out super bright, it was multiple hair colours too !! It still isn't a consistent hair colour! Now I have to pay more money for dye to get it all one colour because this just looks ridiculous. To add on to that, whenever she wasn't putting MORE bleach or dye on my head she was out talking to the counter people, super unprofessional! She also left me to go on her break (at least half on hour alone in the salon). I was considering walking away because they didn't do anything I asked for.

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