En Couleur - CrĂȘpes EuropĂ©ennes + Donairs d'Halifax de MontrĂ©al

CanadaEn Couleur - CrĂȘpes EuropĂ©ennes + Donairs d'Halifax



🕗 horaire

5171A, Avenue du Parc, H2V 4G3, Montréal, Communauté-Urbaine-de-Montréal, CA Kanada
contact téléphone: +1 514-379-1314
site web: encouleur.ca
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 45.5204804, Longitude: -73.5970186

commentaires 5

  • en

    Hamidreza Chinaei


    This place is awesome; my friend and I discovered this place by walking in the avenue du Parc, a month ago. And, we have been in this place three times already; both for brunch and supper. We have had their crepes omelets, chicken salad, and chicken quesadilla; all are awesome specially the last one. Give it a try!

  • fr

    Lina Benjaafar


    Jai adore mon plat et ils etait attentionnes a mes demandes speciales merci!! Recommende!

  • Joanne La porte

    Joanne La porte


    I have been in the village location delicious no other words. New location on parc avenue that's a game changer for me! The decorations, atmosphere, friendly staff and it is just delicious as the first one!

  • en

    veronica peel


    Had an awesome dinner at En Couleur. Excellent food and lovely staff. Cozy place and techno music at the back ground makes me feel that i'll become a permanent customer. =)))

  • fr

    Victoriya Plotnik


    Meilleures crĂȘpes en ville!!! Grande variĂ©tĂ© de choix pour le dĂ©jeuner. Super bon cafĂ©! J'y vais au moin deux fois par semaine! 👌

Café la plus proche

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