Emerald Isle Motel de Richmond Hill

CanadaEmerald Isle Motel


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8700, Yonge Street, L4C 6Z5, Richmond Hill, York Regional Municipality, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 905-889-5411
site web: www.emeraldislemotel.ca
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 43.8394385, Longitude: -79.430183

commentaires 5

  • Nelson Iacovino

    Nelson Iacovino


    Pretty chill environment. Yes they have "hourly" rates which means many will use this location to engage with sex workers. But being a liberal this didn't bother me in the least. The bigger issue was that the Wifi was intermittent and hardly worked. Maybe try to get a room closer to the main office for better signal? Didn't see any open air drug deal or obvious sex workers. Some pretty serious road pot holes in the back alley way. It is a good location but I would suggest paying a few more dollars and going to the travel lodge 5 min north near 49. The main plus of this hotel is that it is the only hotel that accepts cash that i could find in the area (all others take credit card only). So if you are trying to stay under the governments radar or just have lots of cash to burn this is the place you gotta stay at.

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    daniel polone


    They first told me they were full and when I show up the hotel was empty. The wireless is such and the service as well.

  • angelique B

    angelique B


    If you'd like to be seen amongst prostitutes and drug addicts, come to The Emerald. Lots of action, however, I woke up from a bad sleep due to a bed similar to sleeping in a sink. Lots of shady characters in such a classy neighbourhood. I heard the establishment has been sold in any case, since I've noticed, everything has gone downhill. No pets allowed everyone, but they allow heroin addicts and alcoholics instead. Great place, if your bored or broke. Good luck with your stay! However there is no pot of gold at the end of the Rainbow!

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    Sus Kea


    Love the Guests who visit. I clean up 👉Please don't leave us your garbage in the parking lot. We love how it's getting cleaned up! Thanks

  • Christine Patterson

    Christine Patterson


    I just called to get a price and to see if there was a room available. The man on the phone just kept telling a hundred ten dollar, a hundred ten dollar.... I was trying to ask a question about room sizes and I didn't even get to ask because he hung up the phone on me. I will NEVER go to this hotel and neither will any of my friends or family!! Learn how to talk to people on the phone!

Lodging la plus proche

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