Embassy West Senior Living de Ottawa

CanadaEmbassy West Senior Living



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Lundiouvert 24 heures sur 24
Mardiouvert 24 heures sur 24
Mercrediouvert 24 heures sur 24
Jeudiouvert 24 heures sur 24
Vendrediouvert 24 heures sur 24
Samediouvert 24 heures sur 24
Dimancheouvert 24 heures sur 24
1400, Carling Avenue, K1Z 7L8, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Canadá
contact téléphone: +1 613-729-4321
site web: embassywestseniorliving.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 45.3837685, Longitude: -75.7385015

commentaires 5

  • Julie Small

    Julie Small


    They are always nice and very caring and are always there for the resendents

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    Steve Bacskai


    When I first was invited to be the assigned Physician to Embassy West Senior Living (EWSL), I came to the home to observe the atmosphere, the cleanliness of the home and that of the residents. I quickly came to see that EWSL had went above the standard staffing and resident care ratio and that the nursing team was well versed in acute, and chronic care. Management and front-line staff showed a genuine care to the residents, family, and the environment to which the residents call home to which I have not seen of the same aptitude in other retirement homes. EWSL truly stands up to the circle of care, and continuum of care from assisted living, to full assisted living into palliation services. The nursing team is well educated, trained, and capable of managing all levels of care.

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    Daniel Arboite


    I looked at several Retirement Homes and decided to place my Mom into Embassy West and I have never had a day of regret. The staff are friendly, caring, and overall very welcoming. Mom has improved in her overall well being, and is generally happier. The nursing staff is approachable and its nice to have medical services on site to limit outside appointments.

  • Melissa Basic

    Melissa Basic


    Embassy West is an amazing place for seniors. My grandma lives there and she is receiving an excellent care all nurses and staff are amazing not only to residents but for family members and visitors. I would highly recommend Embassy West to all seniors who requires medical care💖.

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    Danielle Diaz


    Dads been here about 3 years now and going strong! He has his daily activities he looks forward too and he can't say enough about Chef Miguel's cooking! About a year ago, he switched over to the care of the house doctor and we are so happy he finally did. The doctor is almost like a friend now, we see him in the home a few times a week and Dad always asks him questions about this and that even when he is not scheduled to see him. On that note, the patience of the entire staff and all of the doctors is never ending. Dad is so happy here and so are we! Thought we would write a little note to inspire others to come visit the home, even if you are just planning. It's well worth it!

Santé la plus proche

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