Embassy of Egypt de Ottawa

CanadaEmbassy of Egypt



🕗 horaire

454, Laurier Avenue East, K1N 6R3, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 613-234-4931
site web: www.mfa.gov.eg
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 45.4285749, Longitude: -75.6745679

commentaires 5

  • Andrew Masoud

    Andrew Masoud


    The standard of service is really high, with robust processing of my requests. Very friendly staff there. Well organized place, keeping everything in order. I would really recommend that place for all people, especially after dealing with Mr. Alaa Ebrahim, who is indeed a very respectful person, serving all the customers without any delays, putting a sincere effort to got all the complaints and problems solved. Thanks so much for being a great Embassy, serving all the Egyptians and the Canadian community

  • en

    nafi mustafa


    they never pick up the phone

  • en

    Wael Hany


    not helpful , I know that they are busy but if they helped us more , we can have our required documents done smoothly and easily ,

  • m m

    m m


    I called them after hearing a very long electronic message , Then I dialed a code in order to issue a power of attorney , Then, The answer machine told me that the person I'm calling is not available , then I left him a message and he never call back . Next day, I called Them and I had The same issue. Somebody should tell those people that they are in Canada not in Egypt for that routine and bad work behavior.

  • Matthew Martin

    Matthew Martin


    Very simple process and great service when my partner and I went in to get our Tourist Visas (we wanted to avoid the added step in our travel to get them at the airport in Cairo). Hands down the most helpful consulate I have had dealings with and got our passports back within a week.

Ambassade la plus proche

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