Elements Casino Victoria i Victoria

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CanadaElements Casino Victoria



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1708, Island Highway, V9B 1H8, Victoria, Capital, CA Canadá
kontakter telefon: +1 250-391-0311
internet side: www.viewroyalcasino.com
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Latitude: 48.4516974, Longitude: -123.4648011

kommentar 5

  • Esme Clarke

    Esme Clarke


    Its under construction. Expansion and renivation. But even so the staff are polite and courteous. The food was still very good and my friend and I had a great time. Cant wait foe the renos to finish though. For parking park in the parkade and pay attention to construction sites and workers when you're coming and going.

  • en

    Karima Kara


    Small very busy & overly crowded. Only 1 Resturant in the Cassini with 2-3 tables & very few seats. 1 waitress running the entire show. Good not to my liking. I would not eat hear again.

  • Julien Dickie

    Julien Dickie


    This is a great place if you like slots. They only have a few card tables and one roulette table. The drink service is slow to non existent. Would be better if they had drinks flowing to every table constantly. The people that work here are nice and friendly.

  • en

    Diane Van HUMBECK


    Went there on my birthday last October. Took forever to find parking. Casino was under renos and it shouldn't have even been open as it was so condensed under the renovations. Just a complete cash-grab being open. If there was a fire everyone would have burned. Sucked big time. Even when it reopens after renos, I wouldn't return because of the horrible experience I had on my birthday. They really need to suck it up and close under renovations rather than put their customers through the extremely horrible experience we had.

  • Winston Hind

    Winston Hind


    READ HERE BEFORE SIGNING UP FOR ENCORE REWARDS; Tables are sketchy. First time there on Sunday December 17th. Wife and I sign up for Encore Rewards. I get $15 because it's my birthday month, she gets $10. I said I was gonna use it at a table - they give me a receipt to give to the dealer. My wife says she will play slots - they load it on to her card. I lay all $15 on one hand at blackjack, I win and they give me $15... huh? WHAT I SHOULD HAVE DONE was tell them I was gonna play slots, cash out at a machine, then go play that at a table.

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