Eastview Animal Hospital de Ottawa

CanadaEastview Animal Hospital



🕗 horaire

261 McArthur Av, K1L 6P3, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Kanada
contact téléphone: +1 613-741-3874
site web: www.eastviewanimalhospital.ca
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 45.4316254, Longitude: -75.6581073

commentaires 5

  • ottawa transguy

    ottawa transguy


    I would give zero stars if it were an option. I called and got a machine saying they are only open by appointment in the winter?!? Inline it says you are open until 7pm. How can you call yourselves an animal hospital if your are closed?!? You are going to lose more business due to your poor management and lack of consideration for your patients and potential patients. Don't waste your time, go to a real vet like Centertown.

  • Amanda White

    Amanda White


    Very overpriced and no need of it if your pet is sick you should be able to bring them in the next cheapest best place to go is of course far away

  • en

    Jim Smiles


    Great service Nice and friendly staff. Dr. Mamdani is very compassionate and is knowledgeable.

  • Kendra Baker

    Kendra Baker


    Heads up that this vet is no longer available! He is indefinitely sick so we have switched. We liked the location of this vet because it was close enough that we could walk our dog over. The vet was nice and his staff are sweet but he does seem a bit more expensive than some other places we've been to and heard of since we switched.

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    Jeff Greene


    Dr. Mamdani and his staff took amazing care of my dog Seymore. Aside from calling him a baby for all the whining he did after I left they were awesome. Would highly recommend taking any animal to see them.

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