Dupont Plumbing Supplies w Toronto

KanadaDupont Plumbing Supplies



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2397, Eglinton Avenue West, M6M 1S7, Toronto, Toronto Division, CA Canadá
kontakt telefon: +1 416-656-6054
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 43.6917683, Longitude: -79.4646266

komentarze 5

  • en

    Brenda Hanna


    Great place. Friendly staff can answer all questions. I love the fact that they have such a range of stock..even faucet cartridges for older fixtures! Good prices too.

  • Tristan T

    Tristan T


    Knowledgeable and friendly staff. Lots of great high end product! I spoke to the owner about my renovations, and he worked with me on putting together a package of amenities for my kitchen, and bathroom, based off of the large show room. I picked up a Vogt kitchen faucet and sink, as well as a American Standard toilet with a Aquabrass bathroom faucet. Very happy with everything!

  • John Lela

    John Lela


    Ordered a vanity through them. They said it’ll take two weeks, I’m going on week number 6 and no vanity. Beware ordering from these guys.

  • en

    Trevor Bowie


    If you need anything from bathroom fixtures to vanities this is the place to go. This is a family run business and based on the people that work there it shows. They have great customer service.

  • en

    Adina Sarig


    I went to Dupont Plumbing Supplies to replace a shower head that had a broken height adjustment knob. The gentlemen at the front desk suggested a replacement of the knob instead of spending unnecessary money on a new shower head. I took the new knob home and to my disappointment was not able to disassemble the old part. I went back to the shop with the old and new part, and in no time the new part was replaced at no additional cost despite my offer to pay for the service. In this shop you can meet with friendly, knowledgeable and helpful people, high quality of products and stylish. Highly recommend visiting this amazing shop. Adina

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