Ducky's Pub & Restaurant de Calgary

CanadaDucky's Pub & Restaurant



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2100, 4 Street Southwest, T2S 0H3, Calgary, Division No. 6, CA Canadá
contact téléphone: +1 403-245-6585
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 51.0340446, Longitude: -114.0710226

commentaires 5

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    As someone who has spent years in the food and beverage industry I could NEVER imagine speaking to a customer the way I was spoken to at Ducky’s. The guy that runs your Karaoke Saturday nights - wow! I walk up on stage all happy and excited to give him my song request and he looks at me and says “pretty f****** rude of you to just walk up here like that” and then proceeds to crumple up my song request into a ball - I kid you not. This is after my friend said to me “can you please hand the song in for us? The guy running the karaoke was not very nice when I was up there”....well she wasn’t wrong. Maybe I missed some karaoke etiquette on how to request a song? But, for simply making a mistake and walking on stage to hand in a song....come on, I think there are better ways you could’ve handled it.

  • Nicholas Persaud

    Nicholas Persaud


    Dan the bartender provided top notch service. Had a great time the 2 nights I went and I don't really sing much.

  • The CowboyCarnival

    The CowboyCarnival


    Ducky's is the best karaoke bar in Calgary. With karaoke 7 nights a week, it has a very friendly and warm atmosphere for those who aren't fully comfortable singing infront of others. John the main security for the bar is one of the nicest bouncers in the city and Jess is always a familiar face behind the bar. Van makes some of the best bar food in the city.

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    Riley Patterson


    This place is legen-dary! They have some really great local singers that pop up most weekends. I like that there’s a variety of things to do apart from open karaoke, such as arcade games, pool and there’s also a dance area by the singers. No complaints about service and beers are reasonably priced. Bouncer is also wicked!

  • Michael Culm

    Michael Culm


    This place is rad as hell. Servers are awesome and friendly. Owner is a solid dude. Foods great and John the bouncer is a sweet cat. Unless your doing something dumb like drugs in the washroom then he's a force of nature. But professional 100% also the karaoke is fun. Except when that one drunk chick (we all know the one) gets up after way too many wobbly pops and try to sing rehanna, but hey good job on getting up there. 5 stars all around.

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