Dr Kenneth Alexander Murray de Winnipeg

CanadaDr Kenneth Alexander Murray


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444 Saint Mary Avenue, Suite 240, Winnipeg, MB R3C 3T1, Canadá
contact téléphone: +1 204-944-9982 ext. 234
site web: www.plasticsurgeryassociates.ca
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 49.8890432, Longitude: -97.1479255

commentaires 4

  • Kingohats



    Would not recommend him. He botched my top surgery and now I'm forced to look for another doctor. Would not consider using him again and I'm warning all other FTM and NB patients looking for a doctor who does top surgery to beware!

  • 72 Eyesofblue

    72 Eyesofblue


    Most professional brilliant understanding doctor I have ever worked with. Michele and Dr Murray are a super star team. So fortunate to have them in my corner and I'm so excited for my future now with their help it will be bright and full of promise.

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    Leslie Goertz


    Dr. Murray is incredibly skilled and very kind. Before coming to him, I had gone through two unsuccessful rhino/septoplasty operations by another doctor. The results Dr. Murray gave me are exactly what I wanted. I used to stare in the mirror and manipulate my nose with my hands to look how I wished it could. Dr. Murray knew exactly what I wanted, and the results are a cute, natural looking nose, with all my breathing problems fixed! All his staff were incredibly kind, and answered all my questions honestly. I can't thank them enough for their kindness and skills, and for giving me my confidence back.

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    maysam Grey


    do yourself a favor stay away from his office, he destroyed my nose caused so much damage that had to go see an ENT, and do correction surgery to be able to breath thanks to our dysfunctional legal system do not have time and the money to fight him, he can only practice in Winnipeg , would not survive in a major city or US. his nurses are well trained and come to you presenting the SALE and discounts they have PLEASE DONT FALL FOR IT, your body worth way more after the surgery they dont even know you and have all kind of justification not knowing we are leaving in 21st century and there are so many specialists out there

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