Dr. Karim Alami, ND i Ottawa

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CanadaDr. Karim Alami, ND



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190, Somerset Street West, K2P 0J4, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Kanada
kontakter telefon: +1 613-800-8842
internet side: www.dralami.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 45.4175729, Longitude: -75.6904097

kommentar 5

  • Arief Rochelle

    Arief Rochelle


    I had a very positive experience with Dr. Karim. He was patient, attentive and really engaged throughout the whole time I was there. I feel like I'm in good hands under his care and will continue to go to him for treatment.

  • adnane benmoussa

    adnane benmoussa


    Each Time I come to Dr Karim I'm already feeling good. I trust his opinion and wish him all the best. He helps me a lot with my weight loss. I recommend him to all my loved ones.

  • en

    fadi otari


    Dr. Alami is resourceful, caring, and provided me with excellent advice. He takes time to listen and understand the case before prescribing remedies. After seeing him for three times, I feel better.

  • Emilie M.

    Emilie M.


    Dr. Alami has been more than helpful in helping me improving my wellbeing and overall health. He really took the time to listen to my concerns, while taking in consideration every aspects of my life. I have already noticed an improvement in my health, by following his plan/treatments for two weeks. Wonderful, caring and extremely knowledgeable naturopathic doctor.

  • Sara Darv

    Sara Darv


    I had been thinking about seeing a doctor of natural medicine for a little over a year, but since I have exhausted all conventional options towards improving my health, I was pretty skeptical about what this experience could offer me. During my first ever appointment, Dr. Karim listened carefully as I recounted my long health history, validated my concerns, and assured me that all hope was not lost. He offered me a lifestyle and diet plan to follow until my next appointment, and reviewed all my current supplements to make sure they were adequate. I never felt rushed (even when we were running out of time) and he seemed very thorough with his questions. Overall, this appointment felt more like a collaboration towards my health goals, and I walked away feeling motivated and hopeful :).

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