Dr James Hickman de Ottawa

CanadaDr James Hickman



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1379, Bank Street, K1H 8N3, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Kanada
contact téléphone: +1 613-731-1961
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 45.3848486, Longitude: -75.6723394

commentaires 4

  • en

    Shane s


  • en

    Vee Persaud


    I have not used Dr. Hickman's actual services, I only met him for my daughter's orthodontist consultation. She was being monitored for a few years by another orthodontist and he was ready to charge us $7000 to fix her teeth, something we did not believe needed to be done, she has a beautiful smile, maybe a tiny bit of an "overbite". Dr. Hickman examined her, did all his measurements and then he took the time to sit with us and fully explain the situation to us, so we understood everything. He then said that it would be a waste of our money and our time to fix an already beautiful smile and what he could possibly achieve with treatment would probably not even be visible. He also explained about "overbites" and what is required and what is acceptable. Bottom line, my daughter didn't need braces and it saved us $7000.

  • en

    Sara McDonald


    Worst office and orthodontist by far. They aren't open Friday's. They don't take appointments past 3pm. They make appointments for braces very 2 months. Anyone who has had braces knows you need to go once a month. And then after the first year or so you go every two weeks to get them tightened. My son has had braces for four years. FOUR YEARS. He is 20. There is NO reason for that, but with appointments spaced apart so long what do you expect?? I had my braces put on by a different ortho at the same time as him and had them off in a year and a half and my teeth were twice as bad as his. I also paid 1800$ less. Awful. Save your time and your money. I wish I had known he sucked and my ortho was 1000% better. Seriously save your money and the headaches.

  • Alexi Sharara

    Alexi Sharara


    Best orthodontist

Dentiste la plus proche

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