Doug's Source For Sports de Thompson

CanadaDoug's Source For Sports



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111 Cree Rd, R8N 0B9, Thompson, Division No. 22, CA Kanada
contact téléphone: +1 204-677-1888
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 55.7415095, Longitude: -97.8599593

commentaires 5

  • en

    Andrew Carter


    Great selection and awesome staff

  • Alain Morris Ranin

    Alain Morris Ranin


  • Danielle Doyle

    Danielle Doyle


    They are very nice. They sell many supplies, and they sharpen skates.

  • en

    Dennis Baker


  • Joe intime

    Joe intime


    After going and buying a pair of skates that were too big on the advice of the store clerk at another store and then buying a second pair of skates still didn't fit in another store and trading them for a pair of skates that we're old and kind of decrepit at another store I came to Doug's Source for Sports and they had nice selection of skates hockey equipment not that I'd buy hockey equipment cuz I'm first time skater they had a good skates on sale I try to pair on actually I tried a couple pairs on after the ones that I tried on and had them baked to my feet they are a perfect fit customer service skills were incredible friendly the store is clean it's not cluttered everybody is talkative helpful friendly I recommend this for everybody

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