Donna Birkmaier Disc Golf Course en Saskatoon

CanadáDonna Birkmaier Disc Golf Course


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3, Rosewood Gate North, S7V 0A4, Saskatoon, Division No. 11, CA Canadá
contactos teléfono: +1
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 52.1002407, Longitude: -106.551891

comentarios 5

  • en

    Heather Jeffery


    We decided to try a new course... It was overgrown with grass and alfalfa, couldn't hardly see the baskets and there were no markers for what basket you were at. I read the reviews before going and thought maybe the reviewers were just being picky, but they were all absolutely right! I'd have given it 0 stars but 1 is the lowest. What a waste of money to have built such a terrible course. At least keep it mowed! That would help to make it more enjoyable. We didn't even finish the first basket. So so bad!

  • Matty D.

    Matty D.


  • Nic Swaok

    Nic Swaok


    With so many well groomed parks in the city, it's a shame this location was chosen.

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    Jason Jacobson


    Uninspired, underused and poorly planned. I fear the only redeeming quality of this course is the fact that one day the city may pull the baskets from this location and deploy them elsewhere. It’s a shame as the city really does need additional disc golf facilities. The CBC article is a useful and necessary guide re: course layout.

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    Joshua Lavigne


    The range was short, but not having a reference point to tee off was challenging. I used the map from the CBC news coverage of the did help.

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