Domino's de Prince George




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6491, John Hart Highway, V2K 3A4, Prince George, Fraser-Fort George, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 250-962-6464
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 53.9876208, Longitude: -122.7853542

commentaires 5

  • Malacheech B

    Malacheech B


    i had a very large worker eat a slice of my pizza and it wasnt even made proper i order two 2ltrs and he gave me 750mls Trevor i believe his name was

  • Bruckut Tumplun

    Bruckut Tumplun


    Got exceptional service from braedan. Show my man some love

  • nadi neko

    nadi neko


    everytime i order pizza from here I MEAN EVERYTIME they forget my sauce when Uorder a bread side, like why :( I thought we were friends dominoes

  • en

    runaway thoughts


    I would have to say it was one of the best pizzas i have ever eaten, we also got a 2 liter of coke and it was not flat at all, felt like we went and got it, love this location. Thanks logan and your delivery driver (forget her name 😔) great experience, great pizza.

  • William Crawford

    William Crawford


    Very fast services. Always pleased with my orders. Staff is friendly and location is kept clean. I place my order online then 15 minutes later the order is ready. I find the price is not too expensive and the menu has many choices.

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