Dollarama de Winnipeg




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393, Portage Avenue, R3B 3H6, Winnipeg, Division No. 11, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 204-944-0845
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 49.8925496, Longitude: -97.1482598

commentaires 5

  • en

    Micheal Catcheway


    I find it rude when the cashiers are conversing in a different language than English especially when they're working the front till. This needs to be addressed.

  • en

    Franklin Camus


    The Dollarama in Portage Place, always come to. Alot good bargains for a dollar or more.

  • en

    Shima Fran


    There is never greeting to customers. Cashiers are just chatting with each other while scanning items, my transaction was declined because system problem, I stood there for about 30 sec and I wanted to see whether they will stop talking and they didn’t; eventually I had to tell her it did not go through and she said I don’t have enough fund ( I was buying a small bottle of pepsi ). I understand it is a boring minimum wage job and I wasn’t expecting big smile etc, but at least show some courtesy as a human being

  • David Luckay

    David Luckay


    Buy here before u spend money at Canadain tire!! They have the same products but Dollarma sell them less!

  • Jarrod Doern

    Jarrod Doern


    Absolutely the rudest manager I’ve ever spoken with. I believe her name is Kathleen. I was told by another employee that I could exchange a set of headphones I bought a week ago that stopped working, and when I come back with the headphones, I’m told I can’t. She is rude and vile and I cant believe she is holding a management position in customer service and retail with her attitude. Horrible. And the line ups are always stupidly long. Won’t be returning to this location.

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