Dollarama de Saskatoon




🕗 horaire

3011 Clarence Ave S, Stonegate Mall, Saskatoon, SK S7T 0B4, Canada
contact téléphone: +1 306-382-2936
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 52.088198, Longitude: -106.6453412

commentaires 5

  • Mohamed Salem

    Mohamed Salem


    Wonderful store for a variety of products with a very affordable prices

  • en

    Matthias Tunmise Adigun


    Very nice time here

  • en

    Kevin c


    Worst experience ever no one at tills.unable to make change, never go there again

  • Lila Rose

    Lila Rose


    Literally the worst f*****g customer service ever. The manager is the most gossipy, salty person I have ever seen in customer service. Some of the other staff I have seen swearing at or gossiping about customers while working the till. I think its family run but seriously most of the staff should get out while they can instead of work there. If you hate your job so much then quit.

  • Hafiz Waqar Zafar

    Hafiz Waqar Zafar


    Low prices, good stuff, friendly staff

Magasin la plus proche

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