Disney Store i Burnaby

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CanadaDisney Store



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4820, Kingsway, V5H 4P1, Burnaby, Greater Vancouver, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 604-434-5511
internet side: stores.shopdisney.com
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Latitude: 49.22551, Longitude: -122.997303

kommentar 5

  • Amman Ahmad

    Amman Ahmad


    Turns out it's not socially acceptable to be a grown man and enjoy this store so much. All hail lord Mickey

  • David Ng

    David Ng


    A tad on the pricier side, but surprise sales will always make purchases less burdensome on the wallet. The best place for purchasing gifts for the Disney fan in your life. And it's not just princesses anymore... The Great Mouse Megacorp has its hands in Marvel Superheroes and Star Wars. And sophisticated Halloween costumes are available for such festive matters.

  • Rob Livingston

    Rob Livingston


    Smallish Disney Store. Had a kids quiz going on while we were there. Nice touch.

  • Gourav Shah

    Gourav Shah


    Consistently the best cast members around. I'm so happy that This location exists, I have incredible memories because of it

  • Allen Chan

    Allen Chan


    Well placed in the mall next to the kids train stop and food court. This use to be the only Disney store in the Vancouver core area before a few more opened up so I consider this a flag ship store

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