Disney Store i Mississauga

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CanadaDisney Store



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100, City Centre Drive, L5B 2C9, Mississauga, Peel Regional Municipality, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 905-949-5501
internet side: stores.shopdisney.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 43.5932879, Longitude: -79.6420501

kommentar 5

  • Gary Tan

    Gary Tan


    now that disney acquired marvel and lucasfilm, this store is a must visit for any young child

  • Kanwar.d Singh

    Kanwar.d Singh


    I am a hardcore Star Wars fan and Disney have the best merchandise. If you love so many Disney characters, these are the best stores. They are a bit expensive but who can blame them, they own everything and everyone. lol

  • Alyssa Ross

    Alyssa Ross


    I love Disney but every time I go to this store I always have a bad experience. Im either constantly watched or when I'm in line I'm ignored when I want to purchase something. He last time I was there I saw five cast members and three were talking while one was serving customers. I waited and they didn't even notice I was there until a line started forming behind me and even then they didn't do anything until one of the other cast members told the three to get on the cash. The Cast members here don't even greet or smile at you when you enter the store. The other Disney stores in the states and even Toronto have better service than here and as a woman who has experience in retail, I would definitely say these cast members need more training.

  • en

    Ashish Gupta


    Good place for children. They have projector room where kids and sit and see animation movies. They generally have sales on a part of the store where the things are good and cheap. I liked the place for kids.

  • en

    Paul Carr


    Is ok not a large selection in canada on a whole.

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