Davis Kathleen Dr de Ottawa

CanadaDavis Kathleen Dr


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267, O'Connor Street, K2P 1V3, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Canadá
contact téléphone: +1 613-567-3767
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 45.4153602, Longitude: -75.6933577

commentaires 4

  • Maria C.V. Fornataro

    Maria C.V. Fornataro


    Have been cared for by Dr. Davis since my teens. She is wonderful! Very kind,helpful,knowledgeable. She is a true professional who takes her time to know you as a person first and then as a patient second.

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    Claire Ross


    Terrible experience, Dr. Davis came in and before even introducing herself she told me to reschedule my appointment because she has other people in front of me who have already been waiting for an hour (I waited 2 months for the appointment). She is extremely rude, she was rude to her receptionist (didnt even say good morning just walked in the door and proceeded to complain about parking), she is unprofessional and is not someone I would recommend to anyone. If you get referred to her ask your doctor to send you somewhere else. She is truly not a nice person and should learn some professional behavior.

  • Cesar Moreno

    Cesar Moreno


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    David Davidson


    Dr. Davis treated me for a year and a half for an inflammatory condition and was professional, kind and helpful. My wife and I followed her directions for my care, asked pertinent questions when necessary and were most grateful. We think she is superb. Her new receptionist is helpful and pleasant.

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