Cupcake Conspiracy de Saskatoon

CanadaCupcake Conspiracy



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Mardiouvert 24 heures sur 24
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Vendrediouvert 24 heures sur 24
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Dimancheouvert 24 heures sur 24
157, 2nd Avenue North, S7K 2A9, Saskatoon, Division No. 11, CA Canadá
contact téléphone: +1 306-374-5401
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 52.130307, Longitude: -106.663491

commentaires 5

  • en

    imran durani


    i love that place.amazing cupcakes.amazing staff very very neat n clean ever cup cakes n designer wedding,birthday,party cakes in canada.

  • John-Paul Shoufani

    John-Paul Shoufani


    Awesome food and an awesome staff who is willing to help make any celebration extra special!

  • Janessa Fehr

    Janessa Fehr


    Great place to get cupcakes! There are lots of flavors and many different options. The price is fair too. There are many other things to buy from here that aren't cupcakes as well.

  • en

    Jhed Zoleta


    Long story short. She saved the day for a birthday party, even when I came too late and she was closed and I was walking away she opened the door and offered to help me. With the kitchen lights off I figured she had just been ready to walk out the door and head home to her family. I greatly appreciate what you did for me and so does my girlfriend, she absolutely loved it for it being a quick put together.

  • en

    Alyssia Aahn


    Wow! Not only delicious! But the customer service is phenomenal! I always get my cakes through them! This last time I did for a surprise birthday. I had to cancel the day before and it wasn't an issue. When the party was rescheduled due to unfortunate circumstances it was canceled again but they had already finished the cake. When I explained what happened they were more than happy to cancel the order with no fees! When I called back the next day to see if they still had the cake as I felt so guilty and wanted to brighten the families day even with sweets. They had just disposed of the cake but were so calm and helpful and even offered to make a new one! They will always have me as a customer! Thank you a thousand times over for everything!

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