CS Auto Spa & Glass de Yellowknife

CanadaCS Auto Spa & Glass



🕗 horaire

107 Enterprise Drive, Yellowknife, NT X1A 2N4, Kanada
contact téléphone: +1 867-920-4877
site web: www.csautospa.ca
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 62.427271, Longitude: -114.4239011

commentaires 5

  • Belinda Mae Garcia Breadmore

    Belinda Mae Garcia Breadmore


    I dropped off my newly purchased used vehicle, and the inside was absolutely filthy beyond anything that I could clean myself. When I picked up my vehicle after a few hours, I couldn't believe it, it was almost like new! I would highly recommend this business for their excellent and professional service and I would go back again in the future.

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    Adrienne Cartwright


    Great service. Job took way longer than was anticipated (cleaning inside a former work truck to make it more family friendly) but they stayed within their quoted price and did an awesome job. Highly recommend them.

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    Colinda Blondin


    Love this place, awesome customer service! Got these guys to do my windshield and exterior clean. So fantastic they could pick up my vehicle from the airport while I was away for work, and they also picked me up! Definatley going back to this place and become a regular!

  • Charlie Wright

    Charlie Wright


    Appreciated the personal friendly service. Great job cleaning 6000 kms of winter road crud off my truck, looks like new inside and out.

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    Justin Rivera


    Fast service and the job isn't done till you're satisfied.

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