Crown pizza de Fort McMurray

CanadaCrown pizza



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10012, Franklin Avenue, T9H 2K6, Fort McMurray, Division No. 16, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 780-750-9001
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 56.728379, Longitude: -111.382834

commentaires 5

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    Nathan Goobie


    A disappointing 3.9 out of 10. When you are comparable to pies I can get out of a freezer it’s not looking good for you. Not a lot of toppings and reminds me of a pizza I would not buy again. Nice people, just not nice pies.

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    Kristen H


    Best bbq chicken pizza ever and as well poutine. Great price . Yummy

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    Fred Bunion


    Terrible Service? The guy overcharges. The food was terrible. Soggy fries and the Donair smelled rotten. The bathroom looked like it hasn’t been cleaned in months.

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    Evelyn Kirkaland


    Worst pizza I ever had. I think it made me sick. Health department should really be inspecting more often. To top it off, after checking my receipt he over charged me. The guy is a crook. I think most of the positive reviews are for Pizza Prince. This is not Pizza Prince. New owners, terrible pizza.

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    Don Fear


    Pizza places all depends on taste. So I'll say is you like a lot of sauce you'll get it. It's peppery, little shy on cheese unfortunately. The crust is crispy and a little bland. Unfortunately I'm comparing their pizza to pizza Prince. Who's crust was delicious and they never skimped on cheese. I will say however they pile on the domain meat lol

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