Crazy Cactus de Saskatoon

CanadaCrazy Cactus



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269, 3 Avenue South, S7K 1M3, Saskatoon, Division No. 11, CA Canadá
contact téléphone: +1 306-975-1266
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 52.1256653, Longitude: -106.663699

commentaires 5

  • Candace Farrar

    Candace Farrar


    It smelled bad (urine? BO?) And was very dirty even though we were there fairly early in the evening. Drinks are fine and at moderate prices. Seems like a lot of gross dudes though.

  • MIke Wagner

    MIke Wagner


    Visiting from Winnipeg and stopped by to watch the Jets game and have a bite. If you're looking for authentic Mexican food, this ain't it but that aside the food was good and price was right. With Most dishes under $15 and decently priced drinks, I can't really complain. I'd come back.

  • Latisha Ireland

    Latisha Ireland


    Love this place! Good vibes, great music and cheap drinks! Always a fun time at the Crazy Cactus and perfect for those that are from out of town and are looking for a fun spot on a Friday or Saturday - close walking distance to most downtown hotels!

  • Tyler Grieve

    Tyler Grieve


    Always packed. Usually a pretty good time. Spent lots of Saturdays there myself.

  • es

    Patrick Okoye


    Gringos! Gringos!! Gringos!!!

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