Courtyard by Marriott Detroit Downtown de Detroit

CanadaCourtyard by Marriott Detroit Downtown



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Lundiouvert 24 heures sur 24
Mardiouvert 24 heures sur 24
Mercrediouvert 24 heures sur 24
Jeudiouvert 24 heures sur 24
Vendrediouvert 24 heures sur 24
Samediouvert 24 heures sur 24
Dimancheouvert 24 heures sur 24
333, East Jefferson Avenue, 48226, Detroit, Wayne County, US United States
contact téléphone: +1 313-222-7700
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 42.330537, Longitude: -83.041653

commentaires 5

  • Lauren Atkins

    Lauren Atkins


    Very nice hotel. Nice rooms, exercise room, pool, lobby, convince store in the lobby, and in nice walking distance to attractions. I did have problems with contacting the hotel and getting a receipt for a charge that was made to my credit card days after I checked out. I checked out of all of the rooms we were staying in and all of the rooms had ZERO charges to them. A day after checking out I was charged for parking. Another person on the trip did park a car over night, but the charge was made to my credit card not theirs. Even when they had checked into their own room and had put their credit card down. Not a problem but the hotel has yet to send me a copy of the receipt. I have called accounting and have left messages, no one has called me back. I have called the manager and left messages, and no call back. It seems no one is ever in their office and they never return phone calls. I was never given or sent a receipt. I honestly could call the bank and say its fraud, I never signed for the charge. If not for this poor experience the hotel would have been given a much higher rating. Its not worth doing busy with a company that does not call you back.

  • Jeff Rauland

    Jeff Rauland


    Miserable Stay! Not up to Marriott standards. WiFi is unusable, even after paying $15 for premium! As a business traveler this is a non-starter for me. Also - room was COLD! Thermostat is one of those dummy ones that fools you into thinking you changed the temperature. It will not go above 74, and when set at 74, my phone says 68. Housekeeping did a quick tidy only -- didn't empty trash the first day, and there was something sticky on the bathroom floor my whole visit -- I just laid a towel over it so I didn't have to think about it. The location is great and convenient to all that downtown Detroit has to offer, but stay at the Marriott across the street unless you like cold-drafty hotel rooms!

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    Harry Buckman


    The staff is nice but the hotel is terrible. I you like to drink coffee in the morning DO NOT COME HERE ON SATURDAY NIGHT .There is nowhere to get coffee, everything is closed. Tubs don't drain properly. Blinds dont block the light properly.

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    Jeff Hoshor


    The staff is very helpful and really friendly. I gave it 3 stars instead of 4 for a few little reasons. While the pool area was really clean it had no clean towels and the breakfast buffet was 15 dollars for what I'd call a continental breakfast. I would definitely stay here again.

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    Keri Nicholas


    Very nice rooms. Great location. Friendly staff. Bed a bit hard. Room was way to hot. Temp set at 68 but says 73. Didn't sleep well because it was to hot.

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