Courthouse Square Park de Toronto

CanadaCourthouse Square Park



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10, Court Street, M5C 2G1, Toronto, Toronto Division, CA Canadá
contact téléphone: +1 416-338-4386
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 43.6504952, Longitude: -79.3754751

commentaires 5

  • en

    Amanda Dalby


  • bernadine dias

    bernadine dias


    Beautiful spot to relax between the skyscraper.

  • Edward Pereira

    Edward Pereira


    Very quiet park off Jarvis, and usually one can sit and not see a soul for hours. Lately there has been an influx of crackhead, methheads, and boozers basically being loud and throwing beer cans everywhere. Yesterday I saw four people smoking Crack under a sleeping bag, as a walking tour came through, while a film crew was working on Court Street. The tree wall has also been trimmed and shade is difficult to come by from 13:00 - 16:00.

  • en

    William Rollins


    Small park hidden away in what would appear to be a back alley. Nice space to sit and relax. Benches are available and there is a nice water fountain feature that runs east-west on the south side of park. There are also art instillations and plaques with information.

  • Richard Trus

    Richard Trus


    I've had the pleasure of sitting down and relaxing and reading in the Courthouse Square Park. The city staff is meticulous about keeping this park and garden spotless and full of beautiful flowers. There is hard granite to sit on in some spots, but it's worth just chilling in this park. If you are familiar with my reviews, then you would know I would call this a parkette and not a park, based on it's size. A Richard Trus review

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