Costco Wholesale de Québec

CanadaCostco Wholesale



🕗 horaire

440, Rue Bouvier, G2J 1E3, Québec, Communauté-Urbaine-de-Québec, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 418-627-5100
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 46.8396187, Longitude: -71.2692124

commentaires 5

  • Stephane Boutin

    Stephane Boutin


    Do I have to say more. It's Costco. Big item with big prices.

  • en

    Sarah Roy


    There are many great things to get here for usually reasonable prices, but if course, service at Costco is always limited.

  • Mathieu Loiselle

    Mathieu Loiselle


    Hard to find a parking slot, but hey... Costco's are all the same! Good food, good prices and some Bio food. The ice cream is very good considering the price!

  • en



    Its costco enough said. Great choice never missed anything as long as you have need for their gigantic formats always go there.

  • Alexandra Papavramidi-Julien

    Alexandra Papavramidi-Julien


    This place operates like a factory . I can’t believe how packed is all the time . Try Tuesdays after work. It’s the smoothest shopping ever done there. I bought my new phone there .worth the membership

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