Costco Pharmacy de Ottawa

CanadaCostco Pharmacy



🕗 horaire

1849, Merivale Road, K2G 1E3, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Canadá
contact téléphone: +1 613-727-5822
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 45.337893, Longitude: -75.7230273

commentaires 5

  • en

    Andre Cloutier


    We have our daily drugs and vitamins filled in blister packs with a month's supply. Occasionally due to illness in the family we requested our supply a few days in advance. The staff always cheerfully complied with our request, they always make us feel like they care. Thank You

  • en

    Anthony Dinh Tran


    Great service, low fees. They are extremely busy filling thousands of prescriptions each day, so don't get angry at them and give them more than an hours notice to refill your prescription!

  • David Soegiarto

    David Soegiarto


    Lowest fee, can co-pay, can fax in, calls up doctor/hospital on your behalf, friendly staff and knowledgeable pharmacists. What else do you need?

  • en

    Nicki Goetz


    Attempted to pick up diabetic supplies at this Costco. After having me come in 4 times they still didn’t have my supplies in. Terrible pharmacy. Makes you wonder where the staff received their medical credentials. Or any credentials for that matter!!

  • Bahaa Ashi

    Bahaa Ashi


    good price .. but you have to wait 30min atleast to get your medicine !!!

Pharmacie la plus proche

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