Cosmo Music de Richmond Hill

CanadaCosmo Music



🕗 horaire

10, Via Renzo Drive, L4S 0B6, Richmond Hill, York Regional Municipality, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 800-463-3000
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 43.890647, Longitude: -79.392967

commentaires 5

  • Isaac Marmelo

    Isaac Marmelo


    One of the biggest and nicest music stores I've been in. The selection is large and diverse. The prices are competitive. My one turn off was some of the staff. I walked through most of the store before anyone greeted me. I know this might be nit picking but multiple employees seemed more interested in talking amongst themselves than acknowledging me. Once I was able to get someone's attention the service was great.

  • john doe

    john doe


    I've (to my embarrassment) bought TWO guitars from Cosmo online. Neither was set up, though they laughably claim they set up every guitar they sell. One had fret edges you could cut your fingers on, and action at the 12th fret of almost 1/4". The other's frets were OK (probably it was shipped to them that way) but again 1/4" action at the 12th fret. So, no more orders for me from Cosmo. Just remember: What these businesses say, and what they do, part company in reality. They count on the majority of suckers making no complaint. They'll jump in a hurry if someone DOES complain, though. A successful business plan, I guess.

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    Dan Chun


    I have been shopping at Cosmo since 2001 (bought my first guitar there, as well as my electric guitars and amps). In terms of merchandise and service you guys are top notch. So why not five stars? There is one employee who has been there since I can remember (a stocky Asian man with a long black ponytail) and he doesn't strike me as the most approachable person to say the least. For many years, whenever I see him he looks like he's ready to punch me in the face. I am not exaggerating when I stay that I purposely stay out of his way whenever I see him. I honestly don't know what his deal is (maybe he thinks I'm there just to play the guitars without purchasing?) I say all this not only because this is my own experience but also a friend of mine, who I once brought to look at some acoustics. Next time I bring a friend to Cosmo we will stay clear of this man. As a long time customer I ask that you please deal with this.

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    Rick Cui


    I love everything about this store. It's products, books, and atmosphere are all perfect. This store has an off your musical needs, for an instruments. They also divided the site into different sections for different items, like a drum section, book section, and piano section so that you can easily find the section you're looking for. Inside said section, there is a help desk, where they will gladly help you find what you're looking for. They start are very friendly and helpful. They snap offer classes here, where the teachers are experienced. They offer instruments of varying prices, and varying qualities. Would recommend to anyone

  • Jessica Caume

    Jessica Caume


    Always love going into Cosmo Music. They have so many options for their customers and a variety of services. With experienced staff they always know how to serve your needs and answer any questions. The space itself is big and beautiful and unlike any music store I've been to. They even offer lessons and have an upstairs portion where there's a large concert stage and space available for over 100 people to sit and watch. Workplaces are even able to rent out the concert stage for events like workshops or their own school concerts.

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