Cooper & Company de Fort McMurray

CanadaCooper & Company



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9714, Main Street, T9H 1T6, Fort McMurray, Division No. 16, CA CanadĂĄ
contact téléphone: +1 780-791-7787
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 56.726077, Longitude: -111.384104

commentaires 5

  • public public

    public public


    Needed their help but just sent me to answer machine.

  • en

    Kev Rog


    The best law firm in fort mac. All the other law firms have lawyers that went to law school overseas like Nigeria and astralia because not good enough for Canada. Other law firms are also overweight lawyers that shows laziness! Heard that throne and throne are good too. Don't trust 3rd class lawyers! Stick with the best of go to big cities

  • en

    spencer reid


    Very disappointed with Rockey Yo after he had his assistant represent me in my closing family court case and choked. With the amount I had to spend on the lawyer fees I did expect to be represented by the lawyer I was paying for and not a trainee. They also filed my affidavit incorrectly (they were fined for it by the opposing council) which ended up in me losing my court case, and their refusal to continue representing me. I would not recommend Cooper & company to anyone.

  • Timothy Cooper

    Timothy Cooper


    Hard Working, Smart, Informative and caring. I wouldn't put my legal fate in anyone else's hands.

  • Ryan Pohlmann

    Ryan Pohlmann


    Great lawyers helped me out with a lot, see Rocky if you have any questions

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