Contemporary Office Interiors de Calgary

CanadaContemporary Office Interiors



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2206, Portland Street Southeast, T2G 4M6, Calgary, Division No. 6, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 403-265-1133
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 51.0340965, Longitude: -114.0362083

commentaires 5

  • en

    Karim Ali


    Had a good experience. We bought a large number of used chairs for a great price and they were easy to deal with.

  • Stephen Capp

    Stephen Capp


    Super service! The frame of my Aeron chair seat snapped after 20 years of daily use. I called COI and left a message letting them know what happened and asking if they had a replacement part. Keith from the service centre called me back a short time later and had pulled up my original order from 1998. He told me they had a replacement part in stock and I could pick it up any time. I swapped out the seat in about 15 minutes and hoping I can get another 20 years out of the chair.

  • en

    Mashhad Dohadwala


    Very good price point for brand new chairs versus other retailers. Good service including following up post purchase to ensure everything was ok.

  • Samantha Ellis

    Samantha Ellis


    My experience with Contemporary Office Interiors was exemplary. They have an incredible selection of authentic designer pieces at discounted prices. I've purchased four shell chairs for my dining room and an entire office set included refurbished Aeron Chairs and the service was exceptional. Would highly recommend for commercial or residential design!

  • Brandon Lynchock

    Brandon Lynchock


    Awful experience working for this company..... rude dispatch, mean and miserable manager. The staff member in charge of safety is seriously unprofessional!

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