Comic Factory IV de Winnipeg

CanadaComic Factory IV



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306, Notre Dame Avenue, R3B 1P4, Winnipeg, Division No. 11, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 204-957-1978
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 49.8964643, Longitude: -97.1442474

commentaires 5

  • en

    sand alward


    helpful staff and very good prices. this is where i go to buy my favorite comics. also, the man behind the counter recognizes me and i only go about 3 times a year! I really liked that because he tells me about issues that have just come in without me even asking. thats feels like really good service. and when the service is good and respectful and nice i am a loyal customer.

  • Halden Goudie

    Halden Goudie


    My favorite comic shop in the city. The owner has a vast knowledge of his products and he will help you out if you need to have something ordered in. Great prices and friendly service. Always my first stop before checking anywhere else.

  • Seddy Skywalker

    Seddy Skywalker


    Nicest owner. Always great deals on back issues and trades

  • en

    Kevin Hope


    Near mint little shop. Owner is awesome, friendly and knowledgeable. I'm not a dedicated collector by any means, but am never met with disdain when I ask simple questions. This place has a dedicated following and it's nice to have a local place you can go to where you can pursue a passion.

  • Ian R.

    Ian R.


    I've shopped at pretty much all of the comic stores in the city, both active and defunct and this is hands down the best one that's existed. Super friendly and knowledgable owner who does whatever he can to make sure you find what you need and is always willing to special order for you. He never gouges you and prices things extremely fairly. (Best prices in town!) While the store may be small, it's jam packed with whatever you could ask for.

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