Comfort Inn de Oshawa

CanadaComfort Inn



🕗 horaire

Lundiouvert 24 heures sur 24
Mardiouvert 24 heures sur 24
Mercrediouvert 24 heures sur 24
Jeudiouvert 24 heures sur 24
Vendrediouvert 24 heures sur 24
Samediouvert 24 heures sur 24
Dimancheouvert 24 heures sur 24
605, Bloor Street West, L1J 5Y6, Oshawa, Durham Regional Municipality, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 905-434-5000
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 43.8743582, Longitude: -78.8782271

commentaires 5

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    Robert Topley


    The beds are very comforting, the breakfast is delicious (though you need to be up early tobget thrle worm). The wireless net is disturbingly slow. I find myself having to use my own data to stream 720p YouTube videos.

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    Brothers Contracting


    Best place to rest in Durham. Friendly staff and place is so clean and quiet. 5 star motel.

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    Pam Kellar


    Nicely renovated...just need new patio doors.The staff are some of the friendliest and most accommodating that I have ever met in all my experiences with hotel stays and we have stayed in a lot of hotels over the years.

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    Ann Hecht


    Kids were slamming doors for hours. Running up and down the hallway. Screaming and yelling at 10 : 25 pm. Parents in the hallway watching them, the parents were drinking beer and not saying a word to the kids. The parents saw other customers going to their rooms and still allowed the kids to run around and scream. The poor girl at the hotel desk went 4 to 5 times to ask the parents to please keep the kids quite but the parents didn't care. I am not talking 1, 2 or 3 kids I am talking 20 to 30 kids. Will NEVER STAY HERE AGAIN

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    nicole edwards


    For a small hotel suited the purpose. The room had a good layout and made good use of space. It also included a continental breakfast. I'll go back again.

Lodging la plus proche

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