Comfort Inn de Brampton

CanadaComfort Inn



🕗 horaire

Lundiouvert 24 heures sur 24
Mardiouvert 24 heures sur 24
Mercrediouvert 24 heures sur 24
Jeudiouvert 24 heures sur 24
Vendrediouvert 24 heures sur 24
Samediouvert 24 heures sur 24
Dimancheouvert 24 heures sur 24
5, Rutherford Road South, L6W 3J3, Brampton, Peel Regional Municipality, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 905-452-0600
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 43.700063, Longitude: -79.741313

commentaires 5

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    Russell Kennedy


    I had an amazing stay at this hotel. The customer service was amazing and pleasant. The employees at the front desk were extremely helpful in terms of navigating to different restaurants and CN TOWER and much more. The room and bathroom was spacious. The interior Is all renovated however, I definitely had a comfortable sleep. Overall, an amazing experience, I will be returning

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    Staff was absolutely fantastic, helpful and attentive, making the stay all in all very good at a convenient price. Check in was quick and easy. The bed was comfortable and provided a great night sleep. Free breakfast and all day coffee provided was very nice. Breakfast place was small, but had everything expected of a Comfort Inn. You'll feel secure at this hotel. Great hotel! Very good location a few blocks away from highway 410 within walking distance of several places to see and eat and many choices of different food shops. Rooms are good, Breakfast has different options between milk, coffee, yogurt, waffles, etc. Overall a nice hotel at a good price and a very convenient location. Will definitely come again if I'm back in Brampton.

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    genevieve bradey


    The service is impeccable here! We checked in with Naomi, she was very accommodating as i was traveling with my mother and needed my room switched to a ground floor room. The Breakfast was eggs, sausages, and breads with spreads. The room was clean and nice. I would recommend staying here to anyone.

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    silver cloud


    I chose this hotel due to its location- very close to all the amenities. I took a single room and was very happy with every part of the stay. Front desk staff was very polite and friendly . They had read my request for a quiet room and provided me exactly that. The room itself was well set out, spotlessly clean and looked like it was renovated recently. There was a small bathroom with shower, plenty of hot water and basic toiletries. The bedroom had a small desk, TV, kettle with tea/coffee,and small cupboard for hanging clothes. The heating works well .I slept very well. I would definitely stay again as I felt that the hotel offered great value for money and the service was excellent.

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    diamond precious


    Highly recommend I came to Brampton on a school/work trip. I wanted a hotel that was near to Sheridan , had hot/continental breakfast and parking for my car while I was there. Comfort Inn had all of that! The service though, was outstanding!! The front desk was so kind, friendly and happy - even upgraded my room for no charge. My room was massive, comfortable (big bed with lots of pillows) and clean. Also - the parking lot always had security, which was peace of mind for me. I have one more session of my schooling and I will be coming back here. I should add, it is a little dated but such amazing value and service it makes us for it.

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